Authors: Ricardo Fernando, MD, Luisito Llido, MD, And The Nutritional Management And Support Team
Publisher: St. Luke's Medical Journal
Publication Date: JUNE, 1996
A point prevalence determination of malnutrition was done in a tertiary care hospital in Metro Manila, Philippines. It was a 2-day nutritional assessment survey using the following parameters: Height and Weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), Triceps Skin Fold, Mid-Upper Arm Circumference, Mid-Upper Arm Muscle Circumference, Creatinine Height Index, and Serum Albumin. 256 patients were included in the study and these are results: 1) The prevalence of malnutrition was 48% (122/256) and of these, 53% were underweight and 47% were overweight. The prevalence of underweight and overweight were 25.4% and 22.2% respectively. In the three (3) Main Age Groups, there were more normal patients than malnourished (66.6% vs. 33.4%) in the Pediatric Age Group (19-59 years), there were more malnourished than normal patients (52.8% vs. 47.2%) and of these, 53% were overweight and 47% were underweight. In the Adult Geriatric Age Group (60+ years), there were more normal (53.5%) than malnourished patients (46.5%), but in the malnourished group, 67% were underweight compared to the 33% who were overweight. There were more female than male patients and the main bulk of admissions were from the adult-working group (47%) and from the adult-geriatric group (39%). The top six (6) units where most of the malnourished patients were admitted are the following: Institute of Neurosciences (77.8%), Geriatric Centre (75%), Pulmonary Care Unit (66.7%), Cancer Centre (63.6%), ICU/CCU (58.3%), and Surgical Unit (52.4%)